Masonry Rehab Services

A.W. Huntley founded what would eventually become Heritage Restoration Inc. in 1921, specializing in the field of masonry. Over the years our company has completed countless masonry projects across the province in the residential, industrial and commercial industries. Historically brick, stone and lime mortars were used for the majority exterior building construction across much of the world. These materials provide an esthetically pleasing finish that is both strong and durable. HRI’s team of masonry experts have the experience, knowledge and understanding to protect, conserve and restore your masonry building or structure to the highest of standards.

Services include:
• Emergency masonry stabilization and/or repair
• Removal and repointing of brick and stone
• Mortar analysis and matching
• Custom brick and stone sourcing
• Masonry washes and tints
• Brick and stone replacement
• Masonry wall grouting
• Crack repair and injection
• Building cleaning – paint, carbon and organic removals
• Stone repair - Jahn patching and Dutchman repairs
• Historical masonry salvage
• Façade/building catalogue and/or retention

14 Paisley Lane, Uxbridge, ON L9P 0G5

Tel: 416-757-5556
Tel: 905-642-0123